Stage Werx Theatre hosted, produced and co-produced many local, national and international theatre groups and artists. The productions below represent just a smattering of our programing.
We had an ongoing relationship offering free tickets and stage opportunities with local Recovery Houses such as Delancey Street, Ohloff House, Project 90, Healthright 360 and Salvation Army. We provided technician training to anyone who wanted to learn this fun, collaborative, marketable skill. Any profits went right back into the theatre to make it the most cutting edge, up-to-date, easy to use, walk in and play, kind of theatre. No show was turned away for lack of funds, we made things happen. It couldn’t weather the pandemic. The high cost of rent coupled with small audiences hastened the end. Folks were not ready to gather and it made sense. But we had a blast. Every day was a gift. Every performer and audience was a joy. Love, luck, and lasting memories keep us all kicking.

Kamau Bell’s homecoming at Stage Werx.
The Bay Area hasn’t been the same since W. Kamau Bell pulled up stakes as his career took off with the FX show “Totally Biased With W. Kamau Bell,” but Bell is coming home, at least for a visit.
Bell will perform two shows at Stage Werx to benefit the theater, which was one of several venues to nurture his career back in the day. Fans will remember shows such as “The W. Kamau Bell Curve: Ending Racism in About An Hour, ” as well as other projects at Stage Werx.
One of the most anticipated literary nights of the year, San Francisco’s Lit Crawl is a massive, one-night literary pub crawl throughout the city’s Mission District. Lit Crawl SF brings together 500+ authors and close to 10,000 fans for the world’s largest free pop-up literary event. Started in 2004, Lit Crawl cultivates a unique, resonant brand: smart and silly, worldly and wacky, with events presented in venues usual (bars, cafes, galleries, and bookstores) and unusual (police stations, tattoo parlors, barbershops, and laundromats).
Embattled Homeland: Readings by Authors Born in Ukraine, Russia and Moldova
Punctured Lines is an organization that aims to highlight writing by those from the former Soviet Union now living in diaspora. Featuring Maggie Levantovskaya, Masha Rumer, Tatyana Sundeyeva, Vlada Teper, Sasha Vasilyuk, and Olga Zilberbourg.
Manic D Press Reunion
Join a cavalcade of literary stars from one of SF’s legendary underground publishers. Featuring Jennifer Blowdryer, Denise Sullivan, Lynn Breedlove, Daphne Gottlieb, Cassandra Dallet, Beth Lisick, Thea Hillman, James Tracy, Kimi Sugioka, Jon Longhi, Alvin Orloff, and Daniel LeVesque.
Club Chicxulub
Club Chicxulub celebrates fabulist fiction, from sci-fi to slipstream, alongside a live soundtrack of synthwave, darkwave, and ambient beats. Featuring Lauren Parker, LeeAnn Perry, Kate Folk, and Yohanca Delgado. Music by Dev Bhat.

MISSION SOLO is the brainchild of Ady Lady, a solo performer who often appears at Stage Werx. Aware that the theater is on shaky grounds financially due to the pandemic, she took it upon herself to organize a series of benefit shows at Stage Werx. All proceeds from Mission Solo performances go directly to Stage Werx.
Merging the experimental nature of improvisational theatre with traditional American Burlesque, Circus, and Variety, Circus Oui-Et combines feats of derring-do and athleticism with an unscripted narrative to give the audience a view of not just the ring but of the roustabouts and theatre nerds behind the scenes who bring a live variety show to life every night.

The Apocalypse Cabaret returns to put a song on your lips and interesting thoughts in your head as the world ends!
Come for the experimental sing-alongs and epic storytelling with host Benjamin Wachs, stay for special guests and surprise!
Hosted by the brilliant and delightful Benjamin Wachs
Come join us! All proceeds go to support local theater!
It’s the Apocalypse Cabaret!
Join us for a fun and intimate storytelling night that we promise will inspire as much as entertain! Nine fierce women will take the stage to share poignant, sexy, momentous and heart-opening stories from their own lives that contain some wisdom for us all to grok. Our performers are artists, entrepreneurs, and leaders in their fields, and each will venture boldly into that vulnerable space that models to us all what true leadership looks like.
ANTONIA MIRAN is an actor, writer and producer from the Bay Area. A lifelong passion for storytelling and an obsession with magic led her to create Oral History as a wisdom offering for her community.

Do you struggle with Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, or Bipolar disorder…why not laugh about it? The bay area’s funniest stand up comedians tell jokes and talk about their life with mental illness. All in the jovial environment of a late night talk show. Also featuring interviews with licensed professional therapists and more! At the Mental Health Comedy Hour we’re not OK, and that’s OK! Hosted by Wonder Dave and Kristee Ono
Ahmed Al-kadri is a Yemeni-American comedian based in LA. He was previously working as an Accountant but his immigrant parents are forcing him to be a comedian. Most of his material is mined from his upbringing, relatable situations, and just some goofy fun. He started his career in 2016 taking an improv class at Dallas comedy House and has been hooked ever since. He has performed in numerous improv, sketch, and stand up comedy shows at his old stomping grounds

Star of Bettor Days on HULU and ESPN+ Wyatt Feegrado tapes his first comedy special for streaming services!
Wyatt Feegrado started comedy at 16 years old in his hometown of San Francisco before moving to the New York City to pursue stand-up full time. After graduating from the prestigious NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Headlining all over the US and Europe, and Starring in Bettor Days on HULU and ESPN+, Wyatt returns to his hometown to film his first Comedy Special! Produced by Four By Three Productions, come laugh on a taping that will air on steaming giants Amazon Prime Video and Tubi!
a multidisciplinary work by Lisa A Frias, exploring truth, discomfort, and blessings: a tapestry of hidden scars and wings.
Directed by Rhodessa Jones

DJ REAL is a musician, comedian, writer and filmmaker who is best known for his multimedia / musical comedy act, which has been featured at Comedy Central’s Colossal Clusterfest, Big Sky Comedy Festival, Outside Lands, San Francisco Sketchfest, Bridgetown Comedy Festival and more! He most recently appeared on the TV show “Flophouse” on Viceland and as a host on NBC’s show “The Guest List” on Seeso. And he’s opened for Devo, Scott Thompson and Bridget Everett! Nick is also creator of the cult hit,
Chad Opitz is a comic whose hilarious and unique perspectives make him an oft booked staple at Bay Area clubs and showcases. Veering between one-liners, short story jokes, and sometimes even song, Opitz’ writing is as well-regarded as his character and performance work. Chad has been a featured guest on the Doug Loves Movies Podcast and The Benson Interruption. He was a featured performer at the 2016-2019 San Francisco Sketchfests.
Odissi is a classical dance from the state of Orissa in Eastern India. It has its roots in ritual temple dancing dating back to the 2nd Century BCE and brings to life the sculptures that decorate the walls of these ancient temples.
‘Udaiyavar: An Offering in Odissi Dance’ explores the concept of the Transcendent Being who both creates and destroys; reveals and mystifies, offers and takes away. This seemingly dichotomous force, however, reveals itself to be a regenerative cycle; one where destruction, illusion, and separation pave the way for rebirth, liberation, and union.

SF Youth Theatre Presents:
The Afterlife tells the story of two teenagers–Chuy, who dies by violence, and Crystal, who dies by suicide, who meet and fall in love in the afterlife, a magical realm between the living and the dead. Together they look back on their lives, seeing the beauty of the world left behind.
Renowned author Gary Soto has created a profound theatre experience that mixes humor and pathos to open the door for healing and connection, making us each understand our true value in the world. Cast talkback after each show.
What is it to be genderqueer? In an intimate portrayal, Jaq Victor gives themself over to theatrical investigation. Their butt serves as staging ground upon which to expose and push back against social narratives around racism, beauty privilege, transphobia, horizontal oppression, and so much more.
Don’t miss this viscerally evocative and politically heartfelt exploration of identity expression! This show is sponsored by Asian Pacific Islander Cultural Center in the United States of Asian America Festival.
Written and performed by Jaq Victor

Solo performers explore their experience with bi-polar, depression, suicidal actions, borderline personality, and anxiety. Imagine you think you are the Messiah – what will be your first miracle? You are in music therapy – why not make a song about your medications? There’s laughter and tears in these performances. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to – an organization funding research into the causes of mental disorders in order to develop new treatments. Learn more at
Directed by Mark Kenward, produced by Toni Weingarten, featuring performances by Ashley Jaye, Bennet Caffee, Penny Edwards, Nicky Martinez, Toni Weingarten.
2019 SF LIt Crawl – Tier 1
From cultural voodoo to labor in the cane fields, San Jose’s premier literary performance series features professional actors interpreting original work by Bay Area writers. Featuring: Gary Singh, Sage Curtis, Anniqua Rana, Tiffany Edwards, Ryan Alpers, Becky Kling
Stage Werx has hosted Lit Crawl in 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

Learn about healing Jewish rituals for grief as a starting point to create your own. A rabbi and psychotherapist share stories of comfort through mourning. For everyone!
A Bay Area rabbi and psychotherapist from Jewish backgrounds share rituals and wisdom that support community members through grieving.
Everyone is welcome regardless of religious or spiritual background. Q&A to follow panel presentation.
Guest speakers: Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky and Gloria Saltzman
Hosted by: Jeremy Dow, Kenny Yun and Stage Werx
Stage Werx hosts Grey Matters, A Speaker Series covering STEM and other relevant topics to inform and entertain. Please contact us if you have a topic to share with the community.
stagewerx [at] gmail [dot] org

Beyond Words is a Stage Werx Production bringing the best of the best Solo Performers locally, nationally and internationally.
Solo Sundays is a Bruce Pachtman, Ty Mckenzie co-production hosted by Stage Werx into it’s 11th year bringing audiences excerpts of full solo shows enticing them to seek out more.

Underground Sound is on hiatus but will be returning with the eclectic music series highlighting acoustic performance and performers engaging audiences with the art of creating music.
THEY CALL ME Q is the story of a girl from Bombay growing up in the Boogie Down Bronx who gracefully seeks balance between the cultural pressures brought forth by her traditional parents and wanting acceptance into her new culture. Along the journey, Qurrat Ann Kadwani (Q) transforms into 13 characters that have shaped her life including her parents, Caucasian teachers, Puerto Rican classmates, and African-American friends. Laden with heart and abundant humor, THEY CALL ME Q speaks to the universal search for identity experienced by immigrants of all nationalities.
Under the direction of Obaid Kadwani and Claudia Gaspar, and developed with Ellery Schaar

Philoso?hy Talk Live Podcast Recording
Liberal democracy has its problems, including the fact that in trying to build consensus, it often ends up oppressing minorities or those who dissent. Radical democracy, on the other hand, tries to build consensus around difference, and challenge oppressive power relationships. But what are the risks of radical democracy? Is it really possible to have a democratic nation state without social conformity? How do we ensure both freedom and equality for all citizens in a society? And how does the anti-colonial tradition help us rethink what a modern democracy might be like? John and Ken join the struggle with Stanford historian Aishwary Kumar, author of Radical Equality: Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the Risk of Democracy, in a program recorded live at Stage Werx Theatre in San Francisco.
This program was record live at Stage Werx Theatre in San Francisco.
Experiences of Spiritual Emergency
How can we own our shadow and help the collective heal as a whole? If we don’t own our shadow and integrate it, it comes out elsewhere as an untamed force, repeating the violence of personal and collective trauma, and we societally hide or devalue our brilliant capacities for creativity, and connection with something greater than ourselves.
Created by Naasiha Siddiqui

Chetty’s Lullaby brought the tragic downfall of the legendary trumpet player Chet Baker to life and with it the tumultuous Milan Jazz scene of the late 1950’s. Based on true events, this two-act play narrated the days leading up to Baker’s arrest and imprisonment by Italian authorities on drug charges. Leaving his wife Halema to fend for herself in a foreign country and make the most difficult decision of her life. the play’s recreation of this hip era of glamorous decline was completed by live music from Baker’s Quartet, American drummer and ex-junkie Gene Victory Italian Pianist Romano Mussolini, son of the deposed Dictator, and Milan raconteur Augusto Razetto.
Jazz. Heartbreak. Dreams. Drugs. Chetty’s Lullaby was the searing recreation of an unforgettable era and it’s most beautiful tragic star.
Performed by Phillip Watt
One-Woman Show Explores the Life of Coretta Scott King
This one-woman show follows Coretta Scott from her childhood picking cotton in Alabama through her musical career to her role at the forefront of the Civil Rights Movement alongside her husband Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Widowed after Dr. King’s tragic assassination, Coretta must find a way to move forward while carrying on her late husband’s work.
Performed by Dee Dee Simon

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